October 16, 2015

Regarding the Poet Walace Stevens

"One of the sanctions of the writer is that he is doing something that he needs to do."

Thus spoke Walace Stevens, who crafted a poem I’ve always enjoyed puzzling over: "The Emperor of Ice Cream," available here.]

Stevens was a lawyer turned insurance 
executive, living in Hartford, Connecticut (the “insurance capitol of the world") when in 1955 he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. In its wake, he declined an offer to teach at Harvard. 

Iwould have interfered with his insurance-related duties.

Thanks to David at The Passive Voice (https://www.thepassivevoice.com) who recently shared a more extensive Stevens quote with his readers, revealing the shortened version I've used here. And to the Wallace Stevens article on Wikipedia, which I turned to to refresh my memory.

October 02, 2015

Self-Publishing Triumph - “The Martian” by Andy Weir... Movie Opens Today

Big Day for Sci-Fi Lovers, Self-Publishers, Friends, Family & Fans 

A lone astronaut is believed dead and left stranded on Mars....

In most communities, the premier showing of “The Martian,” a film starring Matt Damon, is today's matinee in the suburbs.

The good news is: That’s a lot of theaters.

Andy self-published the The Martian book in 2011 and it grew into an Amazon bestseller almost immediately by word-of-mouth.

He sold the book rights to Crown Books in 2012; and the movie rights to 20th Century Fox.

Ridley Scott directs the film.

I don’t plan necessarily to review it; but I cannot wait to see it. 

Bright and early this morning, on the brink of his great success, I just want to say...

Way to go, Andy Weir!