Elves in the Böökhouse is a puzzle of a children’s picture book.... written by Ryan Petty with illustrations by Vera Kulikov... is about a group of Elves who take over a curbside library (aka a böökhouse) — or do they? Are they there, at all?
Do the Elves exist, in fact?
[Note the grappling hook at the roof peak and the rope hanging down across the böökhouse window. Not to mention the glow of firelight inside.]
No Elf is ever seen and the question of whether the Elves exist or not... becomes something a little girl named Raye (aka the heroine) and Tummy (her cat)... don’t quite see eye-to-eye about.
They have no choice but to decide for themselves each day as they refresh the stock of books on the library's shelves — replacing those the neighborhood children borrow.
Clues are evident — but how should they be interpreted?
And with what consequences?
It’s the best part of the book — no lie.